
Portfolios rule. They gain customers for us, they are a tribute to the vanity of our business, they are the face of our project online. Basically, they are everything. Just a hundred years ago, back in 1917, you needed to print banners - which was a problem in itself, or spread ideas through word of mouth, because, at that time, you couldn’t buy an advertisement, even on a radio - just because there was no publicly available radio yet, 而且你几乎不能把你生意的名声传播到小镇之外. Nowadays, everything has changed. If you have a proper website, you can boost sales to and from different countries, 让其他国家的公民成为你的常客,成为世界知名品牌.

However, for this you need to have a website. 一个符合网页设计要求的现代化网站,即:

  • Tell your customers about your business
  • Tell your customers exactly how you can help them
  • Show your work.

Showcasing your work is a factor of trustworthiness. 无论您是否打算购买现成的模板并自己设置所有内容,这些都仍然适用, or you are going to code a website. It is only by having the right design, 在投入一些时间和精力之后,你会产生一个伟大的结果.

我们有一个方法可以帮助你——用一些最近发布的激励你 architecture website templates. 它们都遵循网页设计趋势,最重要的是,它们都是关于架构的.


1. Constructo


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Architecture portfolio design templates which have social media buttons on the left, will make your project stand out from the hundreds of others. 一个坚实的外观设计是基于方形的一切-从一个回到顶部的按钮,横幅和标志.

2. ArchiArch


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你正在寻找一个网站模板,你更喜欢看起来像一个吗 architecture portfolio template? Pay attention to this design where you may use full-width images. With the help of an image slider, 你将能够展示企业老板特别自豪的最好的项目(以及表现最好的项目)。.

3. ArchexO


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Flat design can never be overrated, at least in more recent times, until the next major web design trend hits the web world. The construction website template, 它完全专注于图像,是建筑项目的最佳选择之一吗. 此外,还有一个列表选项,可以让您将内容按顺序排列.

4. Archex

Archex Yellow

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如果你想在一个有灯光的夜晚城市的网站上创建一个效果, you may choose this design. 企业座右铭的黄色呈现方式使它看起来闪闪发光,让你想起节日的夜晚.

5. Arche


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对于那些认为重叠的图像可以帮助他们的项目,并计划创建一些 architecture design websites with this particular feature, have a look at this design. 你可以放心,在整个设计中反复放置的CTA按钮, will raise your conversion rate and make the project profitable.

6. ArchExpo


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Some impressive design is used in this template. 它可能是一个完美的适合,不仅为一个建筑网站,也为一个大型活动网站. 任何大型的公共场合或社交场合都可以通过这样的模板来做广告. It’s one of those website templates for architects and for professionals in other niches.

7. Clerk of Works

Clerk of Works

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For a classical look of an architectural project, you may use a traditional design chosen from a hundred construction company website templates, 有白色和蓝色的组合和非传统的悬停效果. 有白色和蓝色的组合和非传统的悬停效果, 所有这些都通过它们产生的效果吸引了观众的注意力.

8. Project


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如果您或您的客户将期望的项目描述为“像伯恩一样”,那就不要再看了. This website template is just like that. 请查看现场演示,看看如何在其上呈现可视化数据. Sometimes, responsive construction website templates 需要有一个原创的设计,以便被视为与他人不同.

9. Architex


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说到具有传统设计的模板,这是一个很好的选择. 它的布局对顾客来说很熟悉,但在细节上却不一样. For example, the social media buttons which are placed right on the hero image, appeal to the visitors, inviting them to check out your social media channels.

10. Arcitex


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With a template like this, you could create a worthy online presence. Structure the content, 使用最好的图片,让网站访问者点击这里使用的众多CTA按钮 architecture website design!

11. Construction


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Are you looking for building construction website templates with a Parallax effect? Consider using this one. The color yellow performs well, creating a bright “stripe” with the data, and the yellow widgets make it look upbeat and neat.

12. Construction Materials

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这种设计对于那些喜欢井然有序的人来说将是一笔意外之财. A bright mix of contrasting colors make this template look alive, and the way the banners are organized, make the content easy for assimilation. 任何建筑公司的网站模板都可以看起来明亮而令人难忘. 实际上,这可能成为影响未来商业成功的主要因素.

13. Exterior Design

Enterior Design

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If you’ve been in search of landscaping website templates, consider using this design. 它看起来通风,非常适合展示图像,其中描绘了景观美化项目.

14. Cleano


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如果你是对角线的粉丝,它创造了运动的效果,把访问者的眼睛引向内容, which is situated under the hero image, this template may meet your requirements.

Architecture projects may get most of their customers from the Web. They are not limited to location, 因为有许多伟大的建筑机构与他们的客户远程工作. In those cases, 一个合适的网站是所有他们必须抓住潜在客户的注意力. They may have a great team, they may do perfect work, but if they don’t have a neat website, they will lose a significant part of their audience. Besides, 拥有一个seo优化的网站可以帮助他们在谷歌上出现,这可能会带来一些直接的流量.

如果第一印象很重要,在网页设计的世界里,是网站建立了第一印象. Overall, 创建一个网站,可以帮助他们吸引潜在的受众——也为你, gain loyal web design customers - is a great thing. 使用干净的代码和这15个网站模板的整洁设计,享受“架构”一个网站的过程. If you happen to create an eCommerce project in the near future, you may check out a list of recently released best selling WooCommerce themes. 顺便说一下,还有很多很棒的模板和主题,可以为各种项目提供灵感. Enjoy your designing and create successful projects!

Template Installation

If you don't want to spend your time installing the template, don't hesitate to order expert assistance.

注意:一旦客户提供生产可接受的完整细节,项目就会开始,以避免延误, not time of actual purchase.

Oksana Preda

我喜欢把东西整理好,把东西分类,这样更容易找到有用的东西. That's why I like creating template listings. Besides that, 我对网页设计中各种有趣的话题进行研究,寻找能给读者带来启发的话题. LinkedIn

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